As somewhat a critical person I tend to notice people wearing these kind of clothes. I cant possibly tell you how many times I’ve actually burst into a huge case of LOL in public over a f*cked up word play on a t-shirt. JUICY written all over your ass is one thing, “Sniffing glue wont keep families together” is another.
Seems like someone had some fun and now realising dropping acid alone in a park might not be the best idea..
For your sake i hope you own a gas station.
The one item my kid definitely will own one day.
So many scenarios, so many jokes: error
On every Asians bucket list.
Well okey then. Intervention time?
All millennials all day erry day
So I guess dad went shopping in Jersey Shore again
Im sure there is a context in here somewhere but all I´m thinking is that these two are not really concerned with genders. Love it, lock it, cock it.